
Liturgical Ministries

Extraordinary Ministry of Holy Communion

Assists in the distributon of Holy Communion at Mass. These ministers may, with special training, also take Holy Communion to those who are homebound and in nursing homes. Training is provided contact the parish office, 417-887-0600.


Readers proclaim the Word of God in the Scriptures at Mass. Training is provided. Contact the Parish office, 417-887-0600.

Mass Servers

Boys and girls, fifth grade and older may assist the priest by serving Mass. In addition to serving Mass, servers help by setting up and cleaning up after Mass. They also assist at funerals, weddings, holy hours and other liturgical functions. Training is provided contact 417-887-0600

Ushers Greeters

Ushers and greeters welcome parishioners before Mass, assist with seating parishioners, collecting monetary offerings, assist with the Preparation of the Gifts, distribute bulletins and other materials and prepare the Church for the next Mass. Contact 417-887-0600


Helps to provide a safe and secure place for those seeking to hear and grow in the message of God.