
Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal order of Catholic men in good standing with the Church, guided by the four core principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism.  As such, the Order is dedicated to unswerving love and service to God, to loyalty to our Church and our Pope, to support of life in all of its aspects from the unborn throughout life to natural death, to support of family and community, and to patriotism and love of country.

On December 8, 2004, the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus officially chartered forty-four men of Immaculate Conception Parish into Knights of Columbus Council #13681.  After the Vigil Mass one Saturday this past spring, Father Lewis officially blessed and dedicated all the new and charter officers of our Council.

Although we are a new council, we have actively become involved in our Church and community.  We hosted a Mothers’ Day Breakfast at which all mothers, priests and religious ate for free.  We plan for this to become an annual event.

Council #13681 won the Star Council Award for the achievements and service of its Knights. This past year only about six hundred out of more than thirteen thousand six hundred councils worldwide won this award. We continue to grow and look forward to more of our Immaculate Conception men joining us in this endeavor to serve God, Church, family and community.

Phil Rinkoski, Grand Knight